Sustainability at Aareon

The property industry has a crucial role to play in Europe's evolution towards a more sustainable future. We are an integral part of this industry and we recognise our responsibility to help our customers and our employees meet the challenges ahead. Our goal is to use digitalisation to enable responsible living and working spaces for the benefit of all. At the same time, we want to continuously reduce our own environmental footprint and strengthen our position as an attractive employer.

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The consequences of climate change are unmistakable. As one of the major emitters of greenhouse gases, the building sector has the opportunity to make a decisive contribution in terms of sustainability. Digitalisation is an important key to this. That is why Aareon is actively committed to the energy-efficient conversion of the building sector: with smart software and a consistent reduction of its own CO₂ emissions.

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Smart solutions for a better climate balance

With our products, we support the real estate industry in managing their portfolio in an environmentally conscious way and thus reducing their carbon footprint. With our software AiBATROS, for example, the current energy status of buildings can be determined and then calculated, with which investments, which emission reduction can be achieved. Saving paper by digital archiving or using our mobile software solutions in field service also makes an important contribution to climate protection.

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Aareon beeing an environmentally conscious company

We not only want to support our customers in working in a more environmentally conscious way, we also want to make our own contribution as a company. For example, we use the waste heat from our data centre in Mainz to heat buildings in winter and to fill the geothermal storage tank in summer. We only use green electricity at our headquarters in Mainz. We are gradually converting our company fleet to electric-only vehicles. Aareon's company cars must meet strict environmental criteria in terms of weight (max. 2 t) and CO₂ emissions (at least energy label B). At our locations, we also provide employees with electric charging stations .

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We are a technology company that develops software solutions by people for people. That's why our employees and other stakeholders are our top priority. In this ‘people business’, an inspiring and innovative work environment is absolutely essential for success.

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Resilient organisation

We see our employees as people and not just as a resource. Credible, fair and respectful employee management and a working environment characterised by trust are crucial to our corporate culture. Together, these form the basis for offering our employees the necessary space to grow – both professionally and personally.

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Life-stage orientated human resources policy

For us, the ability to reconcile work and private life and to take into account the performance of employees in their respective life stages are central building blocks. This includes flexible working time models and the opportunity to work abroad for a certain period of time each calendar year.

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Focus on mental health

To further strengthen our employees' resilience, we have launched AareonGrow mental health programmes in the UK and the Netherlands that empower our managers to support the development of our employees and their well-being. 

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Diversity and equal opportunities

We put people and their talents at the centre of what we do – regardless of their origin, age, gender, nationality, religion or sexual orientation. To achieve this, we rely on a variety of recruitment strategies to attract a broad spectrum of talent, and on education to raise awareness of diversity and inclusion.

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Social responsibility

We attach great importance to regular donations to initiatives and organisations that help to keep our society together: in Germany, among others, to the DESWOS Deutsche Entwicklungshilfe für soziales Wohnungs- und Siedlungswesen. In the UK the colleagues donated for "Save the Children UK". Furthermore they are allowed to invest one day per year for volunteer work for a charity organisation. The French subsidiary  donated for "Ligue contre le Cancer", as an example.  



The trust of our employees, customers and business partners is essential to our business success. We build trust by ensuring that Aareon Group employees and management act in a compliant manner and by emphasising the importance of sustainable corporate governance.

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A clear system of values supports sustainable economic activity

For us, compliance means not only adhering to law and order, but also to the guidelines and value system of our own organisation. Accordingly, we are committed to Aareon Code of Conduct. Among other things, we are committed to treating each other with respect, avoiding conflicts of interest and ensuring fair competition.

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Training our employees in compliance behaviour

We provide mandatory training for our employees to familiarise them with the content and objectives of our Code of Conduct. We also regularly train them in topics such as corruption prevention, money laundering, data protection and information security.

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Keeping an eye on the supply chain

Our suppliers also undertake to comply with the corresponding Aareon Code of Conduct. At the same time, we ensure that our supply chains are managed appropriately in accordance with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

A whistleblowing system can be used to anonymously report possible violations of the law by Aareon or in the supply chain.

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Comprehensive risk management

Only by being aware of the risks associated with your business activities can you act with foresight and in a sustainable manner. In the Aareon Group, sustainable corporate governance therefore means continuously monitoring business risks in order to identify risk-prone developments as early as possible and then respond appropriately.